

Our accelerated 10-week programme. English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies (EPPS) is for students who hold a conditional offer for postgraduate study at the University of Auckland or other New Zealand tertiary institutions, and who have narrowly missed the English language requirements.

10 Weeks
20 January – 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)
07 April – 13 June 2025 (10 weeks)
23 June – 29 August 2025 (10 weeks)
08 September – 14 November 2025 (10 weeks)
17 November 2025 – 16 January 2026 (7 weeks)

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Course Outline

English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies (EPPS) is for students:

  • who hold a conditional offer for postgraduate study at the University of Auckland or other New Zealand tertiary institutions, and,
  • who have narrowly missed the English language requirements

Students who successfully complete this programme with the required grade, will meet the English language requirements for university study.

This short intensive programme focuses on developing the language proficiency and academic literacy needed for postgraduate studies through English. Also, students in this programme can have full access to the University of Auckland Library and learning services.

Course length
10 weeks (an accelerated 7-week1 EPPS is available in November)

Total hours
200 hours

Course dates
20 January – 28 March 2025 (10 weeks)
07 April – 13 June 2025 (10 weeks)
23 June – 29 August 2025 (10 weeks)
08 September – 14 November 2025 (10 weeks)
17 November 2025 – 16 January 2026 (7 weeks)

1Due to the Christmas break, the EPPS course commencing in November is typically 7 weeks long, but the course hours remain 200 hours in total.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for EPPS, students must:

  • Hold a conditional offer of place from the University of Auckland
  • Meet the IELTS score requirements below as based on the score needed for your postgraduate programme1.

IELTS one skill retake

IELTS One Skill Retake is now being accepted by the University of Auckland.
This means you can retake one skill below the required band to meet the IELTS requirements. Your One Skill Retake must be completed within 60 days of your original IELTS test and must be completed as a "One Skill Retake".
You will need to meet the advertised IELTS scores in order to meet the English Language Requirements for your programme of study.
For more information, visit IELTS One Skill Retake.

1The Academic IELTS score must have been issued within 24 months of the EPPS commencement date.

Sample Timetable

Please note this is a sample timetable only. Your classes may run in the morning session or afternoon session.

All online classes are from 1 pm to 5:15 pm NZT for all levels.

Enrolment Details

  • Students may commence their studies no later than the Friday of the first week of the course.
  • No late starts are allowed for Summer School – students must begin on the Monday of the first week of the course.
  • Students must pay the tuition fees for their Study Programme to ELA at least four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of their Study Programme, except in the following case: Students from the People’s Republic of China are not permitted to pay the tuition fees before INZ has granted “Student Visa Approval in Principle”.
  • Please note students taking a Pathway course will need to have their own device, i.e. laptop or tablet.
Repeating Students
  • Students repeating the course need to confirm their place with the Academic Manager no later than the first day of the course.
  • Students who have confirmed their place may commence their studies no later than the Friday of the first week of the course.

Meet the Teachers

Rohan Willis


Rohan Willis is a teacher of Academic English at ELA, where he has been working since 2022. He teaches the highest level of academic English, preparing students who want to pursue a master's degree and developing their research skills. He has recently finished his PhD and hopes to publish some of his research and pursue a post-doctoral degree in education and language education research.

Lilianne Oliveira


Lilianne Oliveira is an experienced and qualified English Language Teacher at ELA, where she has been working since 2015. She teaches Academic and General English courses to students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. She has also taught in Brazil and China, and speaks Portuguese and some Spanish.

ELA University Pathway

Course Introduction

University Pathway | The University of Auckland English Language Academy

CELTA Q & A and Graduate Comments

Why should I take a CELTA course?

The Cambridge CELTA is one of only two TEFL qualifications that are listed by the British Council as an acceptable teaching qualification that meets their requirements and standards. It is recognised by language schools around the world and is most often requested by employers. Whether you would like to teach English language in New Zealand or abroad, the CELTA is the best place to start.
At ELA, the language school of the University of Auckland, we have been training teachers for many years and our experienced tutors are ready to help you gain your internationally recognised TEFL certification.

Who is a CELTA course suitable for?

age 20+, and

first-language English speakers or non-first-language speakers and

plan to teach English in New Zealand and/or overseas or

are doing a higher-level qualification such as a masters in TESOL or

are already teaching English but do not have a recognised and accredited teaching qualification or

are teaching other subjects and are considering a career change

How can I complete a CELTA at ELA?

There are 2 different ways you can complete a CELTA course at ELA.

Face to Face Full Time

The face-to-face full time CELTA course takes only 4 weeks at our campus from Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. This 4-week intensive study is the fastest way to get your internationally recognised CELTA qualification.

Face to Face Part Time

Our face-to-face part-time CELTA course takes just 10 weeks at our campus from Monday 5 - 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 5 - 9pm and four Saturdays 9am - 4pm. It is suitable for people who may be working during the day or prefer to study over a longer period.

What does a CELTA course include*?

All CELTA courses include at least 120 hours of contact between candidates and course tutors, and include:

tutorial support and consultation

supervised lesson planning

6 hours’ assessed teaching practice per candidate supervised by a course tutor

feedback on teaching practice

peer observation of teaching practice

6 hours’ directed observation of lessons taught by experienced ELT professionals

You should also allow for 80 additional learning hours for pre-course preparation, reading, research, assignment writing, lesson preparation and record keeping.

The CELTA course covers a range of topics:

learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

language analysis and awareness

language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing

planning and resources for different teaching contexts

developing teaching skills and professionalism

You will be assessed throughout the course and there is no final examination. The two types of assessment are:

Teaching Practice

You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with adult classes at a minimum of two levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance.

Written Assignments

You will complete four written assignments (each 750–1,000 words). These focus on:

analysing and responding to adult learner needs

analysing language for teaching purposes

teaching language skills

reflecting on classroom teaching

Your teaching practice and written assignments are assessed by your trainers during the course. Your trainers will discuss your progress with you, including in at least two one-to-one tutorials, so you will always be fully informed of your strengths and areas to focus on.

What are the grades for CELTA*?

There are four possible grades for CELTA:

pass A

pass B



At the end of your course, you will be given a candidate report form, which will give your provisional grade. This will also say whether you took the course face-to-face, online or as a mix of face-to-face and online.

Cambridge English will issue your certificate when grades have been confirmed. Certificates are usually despatched up to eight weeks after the completion of the course. The certificate will state your name, grade, the centre number where you took the course and the date of the award.

What support can I receive before/during/after the course?

At the ELA, we not only provide you with support throughout the course, but also provide support with a session on finding work both in New Zealand and overseas.

Before the CELTA course, our Student Support Team will send you a welcome pack including important information and materials needed for your course. Also, an IT workshop will be held to help you with any technical issues you have.

In addition, your trainers will keep track of your progress and provide individual support throughout the course.

At the end of the course, there is also a session on finding work. Also, we share work opportunities from schools in New Zealand and overseas with you, providing guidance in your CV preparation and job interview.

What is the daily schedule like?
Face-to-face Fulltime Course
8:30 – 16:30 (New Zealand Time)
8:30 – 9:15
Assisted Lesson Planning
9:30 – 11:30
Teaching Practice (TP)
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:20
13:30 – 15:00
Input 1
15:15 – 16:30
Input 2
Face-to-Face Part-time Intensive Course
(New Zealand Time)
17:00 – 18:30
Input 1
18:45 – 20:00
Input 2
Tuesday and Thursday
17:00 – 17:45
Assisted Lesson Preparation (ALP)
18:00 – 20:00
Teaching Practice (TP)
20:15 – 21:00
Feedback on Teaching Practice
3 or 4 Saturdays
09:00 – 12:00
Input 1 and 2
13:00 – 16:00
Input 3 and 4
What are the entry requirements?

You can register for this course if you:

Have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education

Are 20 or over

Have a CEFR level high C1 (Advanced) or above which will enable you to teach at a range of levels

If you do not have formal qualifications at this level but can demonstrate that you would be likely to complete the course successfully, you may still be accepted.  At the course organiser's discretion, applicants aged between 18 and 20 may on occasion be accepted.

Candidates need to attend 100% of the course. Absence is allowed in the case of illness or exceptional circumstances, with time missed needing to be made up. A high level of commitment is required of candidates as the course is very demanding.

What are the course dates and fees?

2024 Course Dates:

Monday 18 November -  Friday 13 December (4 weeks full-time, course full -waitlist only)

2024 Course Fee: $3,600

2025 Course Dates:

Saturday 05 April -  Thursday 12 June (10 weeks part-time, accepting applications)
Monday 17 November -  Friday 12 December (4 weeks full-time)

2025 Course Fee: $3,800

Insurance for International Students

All international students are required to have approved insurance while studying in New Zealand. International students will be charged automatically one of the amounts below for insurance upon enrolment. If you already have an approved insurance policy, you will need to provide the ELA with details to waive this fee. Please see Insurance

2024 Insurance Fee: $87 per month
2025 Insurance Fee: $113 per month

How to apply?

Please download the application form and language awareness task below; these should be completed and then emailed to ELA at If this stage of the application is successful, you will be invited for an interview at a mutually convenient time. The deadline for all stages of the application procedure for the CELTA course is usually four weeks before the course starts.

What do our graduates say about this course?
“In this CELTA course, I learnt a lot of online teaching skills and a lot about teaching in-person. I believe I am well-prepared for any opportunities that may arise. This course has given me a new awareness of various aspects of teaching I had never really considered before such as Teacher Talking Time, and asking ICQs (Instruction Checking Questions) and CCQs (Concept Checking Questions). The great thing about the CELTA is that you can take the skills and certificate anywhere with you and it will be helpful!”

“Studying the CELTA course at ELA has opened up many opportunities for me to teach both in NZ and abroad, as it is a universally recognised qualification. The course offers a high level of engagement in a variety of different ways, including input, practical teaching sessions, observations, and technology training, along with consistent progress feedback. I was able to put my understanding and knowledge to use immediately in my teaching practice, seeing positive results, and building my confidence.”

“The CELTA course at the ELA has taught me how to teach English to adult learners and given me a solid foundation to start my teaching career. The CELTA trainers were always helpful and provided constructive feedback on my teaching. The facilities and resources at ELA were outstanding.”

“The CELTA course can be challenging at times but the tutors at ELA provided us with a lot of patient guidance. The tutors are hugely experienced, and their training has being very transferable to actually being in a classroom in front of students. The CELTA course has been invaluable in terms of starting a teaching career and will continue to open doors for me in the future. ELA is a premium quality language school and has an easily accessible location in the centre of Auckland.”

“The course was a big learning experience for me. I didn’t know much about teaching beforehand but came out with valuable real-world experience. The teachers at ELA are so experienced and genuinely want you to progress. I learnt a lot from them and found the teaching input sessions very interesting. I’m planning to teach and travel overseas, and the CELTA qualification will definitely open doors for me in the future.”

“I really enjoyed the course. The tutors are skilled at giving feedback and presenting action points on how to improve. As it is a small group, there is more one-on-one time with the tutors, and my peers are really collaborative so I could get feedback from them as well. I have taught previously in Nigeria but wasn’t sure how transferable my previous qualification would be, so I took the CELTA as it is universally accepted.”

Can I get a StudyLink student loan for CELTA?

No, CELTA trainees are not eligible for student loans from StudyLink.

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